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What does "Buried Tooth" mean? 

Teeth that cannot take their place in the mouth for various reasons even though it is time to erupt are called "impacted teeth".

Third molars (also known as wisdom teeth or wisdom teeth) are among the most common impacted teeth. If there is no room in the mouth for the third molars to erupt and the person is 25 years old and still has not erupted, they are considered as "impacted". Sometimes these teeth partially erupt, but they never reach full height. If your third molars have not yet erupted, you can visit your dentist to learn about the situation and have the active tooth extracted before some problems such as pain, swelling, infection, caries and gum diseases that may be caused by impacted teeth occur. 

What is "impacted teeth"?

Although the jaw bones of the evolving human being started to get smaller and smaller, the number of molars did not decrease completely. As a result, in today's people, there is usually no room for the third molars that last in the mouth. As it is known, third molars can erupt between the ages of 15 and 25. 


Why do not the third molar teeth erupt normally?

Even though, the jawbone of the evolving human being eventually got smaller, the decrease in the number of third molar teeth is not really actualized. As a result of this, generally there is no space available for the last erupting third molar teeth, in the present day human being’s mouth. As it is known, the third molar teeth may erupt between the ages of 15 to 25.

What kind of problems may the impacted third molar teeth lead to?

Cysts and tumours may develop around the impacted third molar teeth. On the other hand, the partially erupted third molar teeth are also serious sources of an infection. These types of teeth may lead to gingival problems and abscesses besides toothache. However, not all third molar teeth may lead to these problems.

When is shooting required? 

It is wrong to expect the third molars to cause problems for the extraction of the third molars. Do not forget that early third molar extractions will prevent many problems that may arise in the future, provided that your dentist also recommends it. For example, impacted third molars can damage the second molars. Recovery is extremely rapid in shots taken before the age of 16. It is possible to remove the third molars after the permanent second molars erupt. This happens around the age of 11-12. Your dentist will determine whether there will be enough space for the third molars to erupt with the x-rays he will take during this period and will make the necessary recommendation for extraction. 

What should I do if I have no complaints? 

People suffering from pain, swelling and infection should have their third molars removed as soon as possible. However, if there are no complaints, it will be useful to remove these teeth to prevent future problems or to eliminate the risk of possible crowding. In addition, with early removal of impacted third molars that do not cause complaints; Some risks such as jaw pain whose cause cannot be determined, tissue incompatibility of removable prostheses, gum diseases and tumor development will also be eliminated. 

How are impacted teeth extracted? 

After the gingival tissue on the impacted tooth is opened, the bone and connective tissues on the tooth are removed. Then the tooth is extracted and the opened gingiva is sutured. 

After this operation, the patient may need to take some medications (antibiotics, painkillers, etc.) to be recommended by the dentist. 


If you have a general illness (blood pressure, diabetes) even if your doctor does not ask, inform your doctor about your illness and if you are using medication, the medication you are using.

Brushing your teeth before tooth extraction will significantly reduce post-extraction inflammation.

Do not rinse your mouth for at least half an hour after the shot. If you rinse your mouth, you can disrupt the clot formed after the extraction and start the bleeding again.

After the extraction, remove the inserted tampon after biting for half an hour and do not insert a new tampon.

After tooth extraction, you will have bleeding in case of leakage. This bleeding can continue between 6 hours and 24 hours. Since the blood has a very high saliva coloring feature, it may seem like a lot of bleeding to you, if you are very worried, consult your doctor.

You may have pain after tooth extraction, in which case you can take a pain reliever other than aspirin.

Do not poke your tongue or any tool into the cavity that occurs after tooth extraction, as the teeth are attached to the jawbone, the bone emerges after extraction and you may think that a piece of the extracted tooth remains. do not care about that area at all, in a few days, the open bone will be covered with the gingiva.

If possible, do not smoke for 24 hours. (nicotine delays wound healing)

Do not eat anything after tooth extraction until the numbness subsides. You can bite the numb area without realizing it.

If you experience swelling in your face, severe pain, bleeding for more than 24 hours after tooth extraction, call your dentist.

Do not eat anything for two hours after the shooting and avoid hot food and drinks after two hours that day.

To protect the health of your existing teeth and prevent untimely tooth loss, mouth every 6 months  We recommend that you have your inspection done. Get well soon.

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